Thursday, April 14, 2011

Love Fool In Your Eyes

Sambil aku dgr lagu Love Fool by Cardigans ..... aku terpikir pasal Lurve ni heheh

Then lagu kedua berkumandang, lagu In Your Eyes by Kylie Minogue...huhuh aku mmg suka lagu ni...sbb rhythm dia....Muncul la pulak dlm pemikiran aku pasal cintan cintun yg slalu nyer gals rsa

Hopefully in the end love story will be as sweet as this "couple"

Photo source : Blog -> timesbrokenreality


dulu kini & selamanya said...

huhuhuhuh.... =)

wahyde said...

cikedis tul hahhahha

van der sar said...

ade lg nehh...nk blik pkl brp?

wahyde said...

4am...tu pon plg awal la...kalu tak kul 6am