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Kan chumel kalu vacation card camni |
Aku dapat offer pasal kad percutian (sy di tepon)..lbh kurang RM700 utk 2tahun..
Benefit tu biasa la, leh dok hotel byk star dgn harga murah, cover seluruh negara, dpt free spa ke ape ntah..
Aku ni mmg suka berjalan, tp jarang dok hotel mahal2 ni...
Aku pon xdecide la nk beli ke tak lg, aku ckap nnt aku pkir kan..ye la menda ni bkn important utk aku kan...
Maybe aku bleh beli menda lain dgn duit tu kan...
So tetiba manager ke sape ntah, call aku skali lagi (time aku tgh busy dgn kerja skodeng coding)
Manager: "Hello is this wahyde"
Aku: "Hye, yes speaking"
Manager: "Just now my staff ada call you, bout the card"
Aku: "Ah ha"
Manager: "What credit card r u using?"
Aku: "What credit card? Maybank card or CIMB card or Master card?"
Manager: "R u using Master card or Visa?"
Aku: "Oooo...Visa...y?"
Manager: "Ooo visa, ok now u can gimme the 16digit"
Aku: "haaa??? wait2...if i give u the number then it means that i agree to buy it la..rite?"
Manager: "Yes, this vacation card ...bla..bla...bla...., so what is your 16digit number"
Aku: "but i oledi told that guy... i want to think bout it 1st"
Manager: "y need to think, this card is very good la...bla..bla...bla..."
Aku: "i need to think 1st, coz this card is not very important to me, its just value added if i travel frequently...bla..bla.."
Manager: "No need to think la, currently this card is selling fast so many people want it, but only 150 people can buy it at this price..bla..bla..blaaaa"
Aku (dgn nada bengang sbb minah ni xpaham bahasa yg aku nk pikir dlu) : "ooo yeke, then its ok la, u can sell la the card to others...im ok without it."
Tut..tut...tuuuuuut......phone dimatikn oleh aku selepas beberapa saat....
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Example of Vacation card - Bukan gambar sebenar |
Picture source :Google Image
don't mess with bank people...hahahah
hahahha.....aku geram gak la kan...call2 terus tnya nombor card aku...bkn nk tnya aku tgh bz ke, bleh ke nk ckap sekejap ke....knnnn
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