Thursday, June 2, 2011

Malaysian Artist Bashing Suju-M??

Oppsss..this is hot..but I'm kinda late to update bout this. hehe this is my 2cents

1st of all I felt sorry for Suju M & Malaysian Artistes....
I as a Malaysian, I do felt very ashamed bout the words that they have said to Suju M...
guys as an Artist you need to learn how to speak WELL ok, don't curse at people...
we know how you guys felt during that time, you being treated unfairly by organizer
but you must remember, even if Black Eyed Peas or Rihana do perform here in Malaysia, you also will be treated like that...
that's we called LUMRAH ALAM...

I don't have any words to fans.....coz that's what they are... no matter where they are coming from they will be react the same if you bashing their idols...

Now the organizer....I think you should prepare 1 toilet for Suju M & 1 toilet for local artist..
Don't treat other peoples unfairly.....

YES I'M SUJU FAN.....but I'M ALSO LOCAL ARTIST FAN...hahhaha...aku ni universal la....

p/s: I've lost my handphone that day.....but i still enjoying SUJU M performance...


bombgirl said... did you react when you realize that you lost your phone..i'm sorry though...but still the Malaysian artist can't bash suju m..they should bash the organizer..suju m know nothing about this..i hope Malaysian artist will be more polite when it come to social network...

wahyde said...

yeah agreed with you...organizer is the root cause & Malaysian artist should used more appropriate words in deliver their feelings...

i was clueless coz 5 mins b4 that my phone was there...i just hope the person who took it don't misuse my pics or my friends phone number ^^

is-nanie said...

nasib baiklah ada jugak yang berpemikiran sama macam aku..
aku dah ckp elok2 kat bebudak nih... kesian jugak kat local artists/ musicians.. 'nak kencing di negara sendiri pon kene halau'.. ade yg tak setuju statement aku, backing giler2 suju oppa dorang.. haiish.. kene tgk puncanya..

kalo organizer uruskan betul2, takdelah timbul isu macam nih kan.. dan orang yang tak puas ati tuh pon, jgnlah sampai panggil ELF 'anjing'.. takde budi bahasa langsung.. huhu..

wahyde said...

:) tu la....adab ketimuran yg slalu diwarwarkan ilang entah kemana